Impact Of LEAD Program

Impact cases:

  • Jagat joined when he was 30 months old. He was very slow in response, in comprehension and in learning. He underwent L.E.A.D. program for 10 months along with collaboration of parents which made him a responsive, alert and eager to learnchild. 20 months into the program – Jagat became a conversationalist, made friends, developed confidence to present a piece of work in front of an audience, became faster in learning and started finishing tasks earlier than others.


  • Julie joined at 48 months with Cerebral Palsy, she was not able to stand up on her own, walk or talk, was suggested normal school environment by doctors. 4 months into the program, she decided to try and stand on her own, wanted to try speaking. With continued efforts from the facilitator, after 8 months, she was able to present rhymes in front of an audience and started walking on her own with the support of walls.


  • Sham with predictive dyscalculia started the program when he was 26 months old. L.E.A.D. changed his behaviour along with the support program for parents and coordination of other children in the center. He became well-versed with numbers and counting, was able to finish simple addition, subtraction and counting. After 3 years into the program, he was absolutely normal and was not labelled with dyscalculia.


  • Hyperactive children have been regularly joining the program at the centerevery year and L.E.A.D. is able to channelize their energies into a positive task and create leaders out of them. These children who have progressed into primary, middle and high school are found to be focused, alert, finishing regular tasks very quickly, participating in competitive activities like the Olympiads and topping the assessments and exams.


  • Mary with speech difficulty joined at 36 months with disadvantaged social background. The Program was tweaked to meet the needs of the child, with special care given by the facilitator and support given to the mother initiated the speech in the child by the end of the 1st Sharada was then sent to a special school for further individual support and development. She has been now trained to speak the day-to-day conversations and is doing well in the high school.


  • Johnson with speech delay and 36 months old joined and carried on with the program resulting in the initiative of speech development. He attended 2 years of the program and was able to get into the normal primary school. He is now participating in all the speeches and games. He also benefited from the special speech therapy given to him at the center.


  • Children from broken families with a single parent managing the family have taken the program from several years. They are emotionally well supported at the center and they have normaldevelopment with the support of the program as well as the constant collaboration with the parent.